According to UNICEF Canada ranks 25th among the 41 richest countries in the world for child and youth well-being. We are among the bottom half for bullying, unhealthy weight, neonatal mortality, teen suicide and child homicide. Now more than ever, Canadian schools need @witsprograms. With your support we can provide the WITS bullying prevention programs at no cost to even more Canadian elementary students. The WITS Programs Foundation will host an exclusive event with delicious pink inspired cocktails, food and live entertainment, called The Pink Shirt Gala . The event will have the following four levels of sponsorship available:
Title Sponsor $15,000
• Recognition as official partner of the Gala event • Logo and company name included in all event materials (print and online) • Space for signage/banner at the event • Logo on table signage
• Large display area outside entrance for branded materials (ie: vehicles or other activation) • Large logo on Gala website sponsor list (with link)
• Acknowledgement by Emcee and opportunity to speak at Gala • Table for 10 reserved seating, preferred table placement • Company showcase opportunity at the Gala
• Newsletter Mention (3 e-newsletter issues in 2020) • Social media recognition • Right of first refusal for sponsorship of the 2021 event
$7,000 (Two available)
• Large logo on Gala website sponsor list (with link) • Logo and company name included in all event materials (print and online) • Acknowledgement by Emcee at Gala • Table for 10 reserved seating, preferred table placement • Logo on table signage •
• Company showcase opportunity at the Gala • Newsletter Mention (3 e-newsletter issues in 2020) • Social media recognition
• Table for 10 reserved seating • Logo on table and Gala website sponsor list • Newsletter Mention (Spring) • Social Media recognition